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Console battery

High quality aftermarket batteries for Nintendo consoles and Playstation controllers.
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Quality aftermarket console battery

The early 1980s saw the first portable consoles, which revolutionised the games industry. One of the best known of these early versions was the Nintendo Game Boy, which was launched in 1989 and was an instant success.

Game consoles have seen huge innovation over the past decades and are now an integral part of modern technology. They have come a long way from their initial large size and cable operation to today's portable and versatile devices. The evolution is not only reflected in the graphics and complexity of games, but also in the power supply of the devices.

The role of batteries in portable consoles is fundamental. Think about it: how inconvenient would it be to play your favourite game while tethered to a cable? These batteries allow us to roll the dice anywhere and anytime, whether it's a long trip, a get-together with friends or a relaxing afternoon at home.

As well as providing mobility, batteries also affect the quality of the experience. A good battery will give you long battery life and fast charging, so you don't have to worry about power all the time.

Early portable games were powered primarily by AA batteries. The Game Boy, for example, ran on four AA batteries, giving users up to 10-15 hours of battery life. While this may seem outdated today, it was extremely impressive for the conditions at the time.

However, using batteries was not an ideal solution, as they were expensive, had to be replaced frequently and were also an environmental burden.

In addition to battery-powered consoles, the first models with rechargeable batteries were introduced. These batteries were usually nickel-cadmium (NiCd) based, which offered shorter operating times than batteries but had the advantage of being rechargeable more often.

By the mid-1990s, advances in technology led to the introduction of nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries, which offered longer operating times and less memory effect. At the same time, consoles became more complex, followed by more powerful processors and colour displays, which further increased power requirements.

We also offer batteries for Sony Nintendo and Playstation consoles. Choose a reliable value-for-money game console battery from our range now and enjoy gaming anywhere, anytime!